Page 151 - PhotoView eMagazine 2023.4 issue23
P. 151

심상만은 강원도 춘천에 기반을 두고 사진작업을 하는 작가이다. 춘천이 그의 작업 터전이며 작업의 원천이다. 2000년부터 '동
       강사진마을' 운영위원으로 일하며 동강사진제 책임위원으로 강원도사진가료'을 전담하고 있다. 한 생애가 사진이라는 하나의 길
       로 이어지는 것을 늘 행복해하는 작가다.
       프랑스, 일본, 중국 등 국내외에서 15회 개인전 과 단체전, 그리고 20여 회의 전시 기획 등 활발히 활동하고 있다. 2007년 서울

       인사아트센터에서 발표한 '내 안의 바다 많은 거대한 수조를 이용해 바람을 일으키고, 파도가 몰아치는 바다의 풍광을 연출해 내
       는 대형 작업으로 주목받았다.
       사진집으로는 <내안의 바다>, <연엽>, <Sea>, <결 바람에 얹혀서>가 있다.

       Sangman SHIM is a photographer based in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province.
       His work is deeply rooted in his hometown of Chuncheon which has long served as an inspiration for his work.
       Chuncheon is his main workspace and the source of his work. Since 2000, he has been an integral part of the
       operating committee of the Dong-Gang Photography Village and a responsible committee member of the

       DongGang International Photo Festival during which he was in charge of the Gangwon Photographers Exhibition,
       showcasing the works of talented photographers from his region. For SHIM, photography is not only a profession
       but a lifelong passion.He approaches his work with a contagious enthusiasm that has earned him the reputation of a
       happy artist.

       He has participated in 15 solo and group exhibitions in countries such as France, Japan, and China, and has planned
       around 20 exhibitions. His exhibition The Sea Inside Me at the Insa Art Center in Seoul in 2007 received attention for
       its large-scale installation work that recreated the scenery of the sea with a giant aquarium that generated wind and
       waves. His photo books include The Sea Within Me, Fallen Leaves, Sea, and Blown Away by the Wind.
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