Page 121 - PhotoView eMagazine 2023.4 issue23
P. 121

박형렬은 서울예술대학에서 사진을 공부하고 한국예술종합 Hyong-Ryol BAK studied photography at Seoul Institute

       학교 미술원 조형예술과 예술전문사 과정(M.F.A)에서 조형예 of  the  Arts,  majored  plastic  arts  at  Korea  National
       술을 전공하였다. <땅, 사람, 관계탐구>(성곡미술관, 2022) University of Arts, Department of Formative Arts and
       전, 10회 일우사진상 수상작가전<Unseen Land>(일우스페 M.F.A. He has held 15 solo exhibitions such as Exhibition
       이스, 2019)전과 <Slow-Drawing> 전 (Fondation Manuel  < Reflecting on Relationship: Earth & People, Sungkok Art
       Rivera-Ortiz,  프랑스,  아를,  2016)을  비롯하여,  15여  차 Museum, Korea > (Sungkok Art Museum, 2022), 10th

       례 개인전을 열었으며, 한국-북유럽 교류전시 <Nature As a  Ilwoo Photography Awards Winning Artist Exhibition
       Playground>(한미사진미술관, 2018)와 <Loving Earth>  <Unseen Land>(Ilwoo Space, 2019), and Exhibition
       Hanger 18, 벨기에, 브뤼셀, 2016)등 수차례 단체전에 참여했 <Slow-Drawing>(Fondation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz, Arles,

       다.                                                    France, 2016), He participated in a number of group
                                                             exhibitions including <Nature As a Play-ground> (Hanmi
       13회 다음작가상(박건희문화재단, 2015)과 10회 일우사진상 Museum of Photography, 2018) and <Loving Earth>
       (일우재단, 2019), 성곡 내일의 작가상(성곡미술관, 2022)을  (Hanger 18, Brussels, Belgium, 2016), an exchange
       수상하였다. 서울시립미술관, 국립현대미술관 미술은행, 경기도  exhibition between Korea and Northern Europe.

       미술관 등 주요 국공립미술관에 작품이 소장되어 있으며, 2019 He was awarded the 13th Daum Artist Award (Park
       년 이안북스에서 작품집 <Unseen Land>를 발간했다.                     Geonhi Foundation, 2015), the 10th Ilwoo Photography
                                                             Award (Ilwoo Foundation, 2019), and the Sunggok

                                                             Tomorrow's Artist Award (Sungkok Art Museum, 2022).
                                                             His works are in the collections of major national and
                                                             public art museums such as the Seoul Museum of Art,
                                                             National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, and
                                                             Gyeonggi Museum of Art, and published <Unseen Land>

                                                             with Ian Books in 2019.
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