Page 27 - PhotoView eMagazine 2023.4 issue23
P. 27

Woman as the Landscape

                                             Gun-Soo Choi
       Each nation and country has its unique customs.        of Korean women with unique social status are
       The  customs,  passed  on  from  generation  to        elaborately represented through his work, where

       generation, take firm place as the culture of a  traditional costumes showing peculiar beauty, and
       particular society. Even in the highly communicative,   the mysterious eroticism suggested by girls who are
       open societies of the world today, such culture does   yet to mature, are melted together.

       not change easily. Rather, things that previously
       have been overlooked or underestimated are often       There is a clear difference between the beauty of
       rediscovered as precious values. How can cultural      Korean women and the Western concept of beauty.
       identity based on such locality gain universal value?   The beauty of Korean women does not reveal
       That is the issue today.                               physical beauty directly and attempt to analyze it

                                                              by scientific measures. It is not a revealing beauty
       Woo Chong-Il's center of interest has long been the  but a beauty that enables viewers to imagine. Such
       beauty of women. From his early works in the US        beauty is closely related to the women's costumes.

       to his recent photographs, he has never deviated  The recent works of the artist focus on revealing
       from landscapes shaped by women. While his early       the bare minimum of that hidden beauty. Thereby
       works depicted diverse forms of women in relation      the artist seems to think he can touch upon another
       to daily life, recently Woo has focused on the life    erogenous zone of Korean eroticism.
       of Korean women, particularly those of the late

       Choseon Dynasty. From women of the highest  As the axis of the theme "women and eroticism"
       status, such as empress, to women of taverns who       is combined with the ancient traditional Korean
       entertained the learned aristocrats of the time,       culture and newly revealed as the national identity

       Woo carries out his work in two directions.            of an era, it serves as an example of universal value
                                                              that can interest anyone, beyond the given time.
       Though the women of taverns in the Choseon
       Dynasty  were  known  as  "kisaeng,"  they  were       Meanwhile, another kind of work by the artist
       the most progressive group of women in their           changes the Korean woman, who is quite often

       time. Culture such as literature, music and art        portrayed using a mirror. Western furniture is
       were requirements for one to become a kisaeng.         placed in the picture, and the artist seemingly
       The  term  "hae-eo  hwa,"  that  is,  "flower  who     intends to show the front and rear appearances

       understands the intellectuals," was used to describe  of the subject simultaneously. This work is in the
       them. The men also considered them as persons          same context as the earlier-mentioned one, with
       well versed in culture. Compared to the majority       the body not revealed but concealed as much as
       of women, who were more or less confined to            possible by the costume.
       their homes, the kisaeng were women of a new

       generation who were able to talk freely with men       To the artist, who designs and interprets various
       and to communicate with the world.                     landscapes  through  the  woman's  body  as  he
                                                              traverses the past and present, reality and fiction,

       Woo accesses their intimate daily lives. The lives     "woman" is an eternal question.
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